3 Easy Fall Dessert Recipes
Fall time is a season of many things: Halloween, pumpkins, warm sweaters and the like. It’s also the season of desserts. From Thanksgiving leading up to Christmas, desserts are taking center stage and there is no better time to whip out your oven mitts and apron than now. Making desserts can be a taxing process, taking hours and even days depending on the dessert to be made. This involves preparing of ingredients, mixing, baking, decorating and presenting. Luckily, we’ve compiled a list of 3 easy fall dessert recipes that will have you licking your fingers without hours of work beforehand.
1. Caramel Apples: this recipe only requires three ingredients: apples (in whatever quantity you like), caramel and condensed milk.
The first step is to remove the stems from each of the apples. In their place, craft sticks should be put. The craft sticks serve as a handle with which the final product will be eaten. The next step is to put both the caramel and milk into an oven-baked bowl and microwave. This should be done for about a minute or two and then stirred (depending on the amount of the caramel and milk, it might take longer to melt). Afterwards, the apples should be rolled into the paste until completely covered. Then the apples should be laid in a baking pan to set. To put a twist on this recipe, nuts, chocolate chips and other things can be sprinkled over the apples before the caramel sets. Alternatively, the apples can be rolled in a bowl of the topping.
The whole process of making caramel Apples takes less than 15 minutes.
2. S’mores: S’mores are the king of quick desserts. A campfire treat, S’mores can be enjoyed at home as well. They take very little to make and are delicious (hence their staying power and legend status). All that is needed to make S’mores are gram crackers, chocolate squares, and marshmallows.
The first step is to put the gram cracker in a mildly heated oven or at the side of a grill. S’mores are made on low heat and so this is very important so as not to ruin the treat. A thin chocolate square should then be put on the gram cracker so as to slowly melt unto it. While this is happening, a marshmallow should be skewered and slowly hovered over the grill on held in the oven for about 20-30 seconds. Just at the marshmallow is starting to melt, it should be put on the gram cracker (the chocolate would have been melted by now) and another cracker put on top to make a sandwich-like dessert. Done! This recipe can also be made using a microwave or even a pan on a stove. The recipe is quite versatile and easy to make.
3. Chocolate fondue: this recipe has more ingredients than the others on the list but is easy to make and delicious nonetheless. The ingredients required for this dish are half a cup of cream, a teaspoon of cinnamon, two tablespoons of sugar, one tablespoon of butter, 4-5 ounces of chocolate, two teaspoons of dark rum and a quarter if a teaspoon of orange zest. While the ingredients are quite a lot, the making process is fairly straightforward.
The cinnamon, cream, sugar, and butter should be put in a saucepan over medium heat to boil. After this, the saucepan should be taken off the heat and the chocolate added. Stir until the chocolate is fully melted into the mixture and then add the rum and orange zest.
Once done, the fondue can be used as a dip for a variety of things. Fruits like bananas and strawberries can be used, as well as pretzels and nuts. This dessert is perfect for gatherings and also helps to add variety thanks to the number of things it can be eaten with.